Aborted future!

S💎a 💎p 💎p💎h 💎i💎r 💎e 💎 Now,we have learnt to squat,jump,run and even fly,yet are we stranded somewhere in a crazy world...where no one cares to fear the law,not even the Lord! There is a bitch on the street,yet you teach not the norm,but stick to get of her warmth! There is a thief ,in the creek ,who took the risk to steal,for his dear need,yet you dare beat to bleed! There is he who roams the street with great intellect, yet you strictly deny a seat!,what is rightfully his ? If I gat a gun , don't be amazed, have gat not just one to give an head shot but more ,of these ones... Whose pen silently steal, zeros upon zeros until they became sudden heros! whose protune belly, are the nations reservoir and secrete stores!Whose mouth voracious swallows nation's cake! Lousy Patriots, seeming pious, who are ordained not by pulpit but by hunger to preach ,are now culprit,who prey on their victim... for filthy lucre. Yet call it victory It is a necessary evil,...