
Showing posts from May, 2020


          S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎 There is an empty seat close to me everywhere I go.. Even when there is none so close.. I feel the warmth of his presence...though not present! His hugs I cherished so much just as one forsaken in a cold winter... His torch makes my paled skin grow pink! His smiles soon fades away though, as green as the fig leaves in my memory... Just like a guiding angel ,keep watch over me.. Like the moon on duty ,come illuminate my part at night Like the raidiant sun ,come shine and make my part brighter! His kisses are appealing.... it is an healing to my wounds... S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎


             S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e Play...Child! For the  skies hands ,rain shield, fly ur kite so high... Now that the sun upon thee has smiles  play child....for  the winds whispers:storm is not coming!                        Play...Child! it your day child,you shall dash not your foot against the stone.  Play!! And your tone raise! now you are fit to seat on your father's throne in praise!        Play...Child! the world may have become a field full of fears, I!! For u are not it's prey!          Play...Child! though the day be cold,when it grows old, momma's arm shall hold!                    Play...Child! when thy feets, boundaries cross,forget not what momma had told,upon ur heart bound them! Play...Child! now that, foes are few,and folks a...

Little Pebbles.

            S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e Floods, rush! Soils, wash! I am a little pebble Paddled helplessly by floods Have got a feet to stand but never can withstand the floods I kept my screams but flood's we're louder! Wanted to be stuck, yet slides for I have found no trunk!  I'm washed away till I became fine muds Helpless Pebbles painfully meddles with rocks  who careless but to crush Flood, rush! soils, hurt! so deep that legs,in it, are broken. Deep enough to accommodate bloody ,viles  yet virtues lost! wished I could peep and see, Maybe...seal! And give the need to fill until its hills! S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e

Once Lost.

       S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎 Then!! we needed no map,  for a journey we took from the ark Yeah... Yet the thought that we lacked nothing, that life prides so high and we were willing to pay the price !! For the love of lusts ,lucy gave us we were willing to get lost! But now, this one thing... That declared all wanted in the ark, Had the Arch angel dispatched on a path Lucy lured us into! So we felt faith mixed with fear , of being Hacked down. For we were once vibrant divers, now fled from sharks!! once!! like the knight, valiant night watcher,but now feared the barks!!   From light we fell!! Into the dark. its  was hard to feel the gap. Not even,  Jack could,for himself lay  a broken yatch.                                        when strength all sapped.                  ...

Behind the Emojis.

S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎 The smiles,frown,fright and sobbes,are my shields! Like the shade away from the sun .  I feel chilled from telling of my deep truth, which isn't digged from the root! Wen life gave the biggest blow and I went low... Like  broken walls concealed by cute curtain were wars fought but not seen My words I picked as my sword,and speak to all eyes who could see, nothing but a smile though shallow Even though  in pain I wallow, wishing I could paint my screen with it ,yet as shadow not driven from the shades, I am... screaming, so deep and nothing could be heard...yet ice,I creamed so sweet Far beyond,charming look hides, shames  of being,Beaten,forgotten, and disdane ,rapped up as damn beauty . Behind I hide like an eye from it brow Like an arrow from its bows, yet !! crows, as the one with the crown! S💎A💎P💎P💎H💎I💎R💎E💎


S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎 Heaven, drips its last!  upon him,the earth it's parts sweeps, faster than a falling Haven! Though, life sweetly nutured,  Yet,only felt  a painful torture. For what  future lies in a grafted culture? Who shall pay his tuition when life,tutors?  His fuming smiles and laughters were  solely provoked by the bobbles of beer... Charmingly, he hustles for bottles, right in life's debt  nothing can be bare. Though unsubdued huddles,made him reel, yet, subtle poping of bottles,life became real. Again he is drunk up to trunk!! Jackets , trousers,shoes,and mufflers. . all gives the sweet smell of casket And his wobbling feets are pity thrown,  at life's market!! S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎

Heart Break.

S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e💎 Heart felt gentle touch,,no sooner wipes... Smiles steamed with beauty, not too long fades... Caressing fingers now care less Ladies run gents dare to rent for she is bent... She said let spill the milk and eat no more bread,for love breds all gone Wheels broken,and carts heavy... her will all grown ill.. wish the heavens no more tears, for her hat all red.. bid thick clouds no more loud strings, as she sobbes and sort for missing ring Her beauty in nitties all ends in gilting The best of her breast rest upon a forgotten nest. Wished the birds too had no rest for her love is messed!! none had  fetched from his well love but liters of lies! Like flies fighting for a taste of dead bee,her queen bee has been licked without bills!! Gentle touch, yet gently rough, she wished only to eat him raw! S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e