The Twilight sun.


I could only stare at the sun,
that shines yet not  hot.
It sends rays yet not far.
As Beams becomes dim,
Even mere  shadows,it's arms  showed up so strong...
Truly! Sun is weak...
it's  space, taken. like ashes covering burning coal,all seems wrong!

How we  mourn the gradual death of  our dear father's land
we watched in pain and pity, as her greatness,  grow pale.
 For we are left with shades of greys..., it's no joke!
With faded smiles we had to wrestle with life without gloves,
Wonder why we never grow,and our light ,never glow in the globe?

It's better to stare at the sun.
when promises appears as a mirage...
when values bought, are found decay...
Purple velvet, once chased, are now  better imagined.
The forseen dreams of masions, built upon our fathers land are better forsaken,
if not soaked in a 'fungocious moistures'.

I could only stare at the sun
when pictures of the future are captured no more in black and white, for they are better coloured letters of lethal,tendered to the littles.

It is better to stare at the sun, 
seeing ,unscrupulous shepherd, murders,integrity openly in front of the sheep.
Yet conscience,  sold out so cheap, fidelity hanged on trees,and deligence banished!
An act,only divinity can forgive!

It is better to stare at the sun
 when the old groan in labour,
the young beg for harbour,
and both ate tears as mid-night  bread

I could  only stare at the sun,
for our fathers ,who long gave their days to gaze
said,  it takes only the braves to wait and witness an age
 when the grey would again become green.
Now our father had ,their beds laid in graves,

It better to stare at the sun,praying that trinity  might at the new dawn
break its silence.and  redeem our father's land!

S💎a💎p💎p💎h💎i💎r💎e 💎


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