A Game of Pretence.


Her soul was a gold mine,yet all you saw a field upon which you plays a perfect game of pretence!

You scored no goal, but broke her only goldpole while you dribble your way into her life...

Her soul was a cabaret  where worthy minners could  get a cool ,yet all you saw was fresh field,the goat in you greedily grazed

Wonder how a   pre-inn-tender ,became a pre-ill-tender?

He walked so close in guise of being a friend, like a tree confronted with motion runs so close only to get a  perfect stab...knowing her blood profited nothing ..I bid your legs! cry for mercy.!

He stretch forth his hands just as a  fetcher reaches for water in  a well..with all confidence... Only to let her down... knowing he was never the pull she needs...bid your hands wail for mercy!

He paid the visit quite often, while she lay in great pain yet his voice bring no comfort!!  Rather,he felt , waiting at the gate to receive her last breathe was the best he could offer!

This I have to say, bridle your waging tongue and plead mercy,for spreading heinous views of a soul, your sole had barely walked worthy!

Her poor soul ,sold out to love, only to discover she has been  in  wrong arms ... I bid ,your thorny arms should plead for mercy

 She isnt your  type, becos u think she isn't  ripe , yet longed to have her within your thigh. You shed crocodile tears  to have her when she is in her best... I bid your evil eyes should rather cry for mercy 

Stare not ,at her tent! For she is got no room  lend! For all played was a game of pretence and not love.



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